Minting guide-POCO(Mobile)

1. *Access the MetaMask KCC Network - you can add KCC (Network) through the guide

2. On MetaMask’s home page, there will be three lines on the left hand side.

Click on it and on the menu, you will see [Browser]

3. In the [Search or Type URL], type in PENFT’s official website (

4. Click on the 3 lines on the right hand side of PENFT’s website and then click [CONNECT WALLET].

5. After checking your wallet address in the pop-up window (image on the left), click on [Connect] if there are no problems. When connection is complete, it will change to [CONNECTED] as shown in the image on the right.

6. After connecting the wallet, click [MINT NOW] on the home page.

Access the morning page and then click [MINT NOW] to start minting!

7. Once you confirm the fees? clock on [Confirm]. You will then see [Transaction #0 Complete] when minting is complete.

8. Click [TOKENS] on Wallet then [KCS] - [Smart contract interaction].

9. Click on [VIEW ON Explorer]. Click Copy on [Transferred By] and look at the number after the token ID.

Last updated